Ideal for parents, caregivers and others who are familiar with the basics of Positive Discipline either through a presentation, class or book and would like more specific guidance to implement positive changes to solve challenges. Through the lens of Positive Discipline, challenges and misbehaviors are related to the need for belonging and significance. After coaching participants better understand how to implement the concepts in real life, they can apply that knowledge to benefit other relationships and continue to improve their family dynamics independently.

Coaching is done through scheduled video or phone calls and are only done as a 4 session package (4 - 30 min. calls over 4-6 weeks).  Cost is $150 for the package. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule.

1. Introductions and identification of challenges and goals

2. Explore beliefs behind the behavior and focus on solutions to try

3. Follow up and refinement of implementation progress

4. Follow up, refinement and encouragement toward continued progress


"We can change our whole life and the attitude of people around us simply by changing ourselves"

-Rudolf Dreikurs